Tennessee lawmakers approve bill criminalizing adults who help minors receive gender

business2024-06-03 18:33:375536

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee’s GOP-controlled Statehouse on Thursday gave their final approval to legislation criminalizing adults who help minors receive gender-affirming care without parental consent, clearing the way for the first-in-the-nation proposal to be sent to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk for his signature.

The bill mirrors almost the same language from a so-called “anti-abortion trafficking” proposal Tennessee Republican lawmakers approved just a day prior. In that version, supporters are hoping to stop adults from helping young people obtain abortions without permission from their parents or guardians.

Lee, a Republican, hasn’t publicly commented on either bill but supporters are confident the governor will sign them into law. Lee eagerly approved both the state’s sweeping abortion ban and the state’s ban on gender-affirming care for children. He has also never issued a veto during his time as governor.

Address of this article:http://eritrea.cezaryphotography.com/article-37c199859.html


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