Jiang to bear China's flag at Hangzhou Asian Para Games closing ceremony

business2024-06-03 18:15:468872
(Xinhua) 11:06, October 28, 2023

HANGZHOU, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Swimmer Jiang Yuyan was named on Saturday as the flag bearer for the Chinese delegation at the closing ceremony of the 4th Asian Para Games in Hangzhou.

As the athlete who won the most gold and medals at the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, Jiang won seven gold medals and one bronze medal in the swimming competitions.

Jiang has won the Asia Paralympic Committee's 2021 Asian Best Young Athlete Award, State May 1st Labor Medal, and May 4th Medal, and is a provincial model worker in Zhejiang.

The closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Para Games will take place on Saturday evening. 

Address of this article:http://eritrea.cezaryphotography.com/news-13a199946.html


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