German leader says Europe must keep increasing aid to Ukraine after US approves new military help

world2024-06-04 00:39:519691

BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Wednesday that Europe must continue to step up its help for Ukraine even after the approval of a big U.S. aid package, but made clear that he’s sticking to his refusal to send Taurus long-range cruise missiles to Kyiv.

Scholz spoke after meeting British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Berlin. The two countries are Europe’s biggest suppliers of military assistance to Ukraine as it counters Russia’s full-scale invasion, and both vowed to keep that up “for as long as it takes.”

Ukraine’s cause was boosted this week by the approval in Congress of a $61 billion U.S. military aid package that had been held up for months. Scholz described it as “an encouraging and necessary signal.”

“But I also want to say clearly that the United States’ decision doesn’t release us here in Europe from the task of further expanding our support for Ukraine so that the country can defend itself against the aggressor,” he said.

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